Chapter 4 : Section 4
Placement Needs of Children in Out-of-Home Care
The Department shall complete an individual assessment of the living arrangement needs for every child who requires out-of-home care prior to placement in out-of-home care.
The Department shall make reasonable efforts to place a child, who has been removed from home and placed in out-of-home care, guardianship or in an adoptive home, with the child’s sibling or, if that is not possible, to maintain frequent visitation or other ongoing contact between the child and the child’s siblings unless a court determines that the shared living arrangement, visitation or contact would be contrary to the child’s or a sibling’s safety or well-being.
Decision Making
The Department shall restrict the placement of children from birth to age five in homes where the foster parents have not immunized their own children. The Department shall place children in living arrangements most appropriate to each individual child's clinical and medical reports from previous medical, mental or behavioral health care providers.
The Arizona State Immunization Information System (ASIIS) notification record is available for DCS Specialists to review a child's immunization history. To obtain ASIIS record access, go to
The DCS Comprehensive Health Plan (DCS CHP) can also research the child's immunization record in ASIIS for the DCS Specialist. Send an email to for assistance.
To assess the living arrangement that best meets the child's needs, gather information from:
personal observations;
clinical and medical reports from previous medical, mental or behavioral health care providers;
the child's parents or caregivers;
school reports;
medical, mental health or behavioral health case records;
immunization records;
DCS electronic and hard copy case records;
previous out-of-home care providers;
the child;
current receiving foster home and shelter care providers; and
Gather or initiate a request for any of the above information that is not available at the time of placement within five working days of identifying a potential source of information.
Include in the assessment, a thorough consideration of:
the child's relationships and attachments with: parents, grandparents, adult siblings of whole or half-blood, aunts, uncles, first cousins or another member of the child's extended family including persons who have a significant relationship with the child, current foster parents, and former foster parents, if applicable;
the child's relationship, attachment and Family Contact Plan with siblings who are placed in out-of-home care, guardianship or adoptive homes;
the characteristics of the child: age, gender, religion, primary language, perceived or identified sexual orientation and gender identity;
the child's health and developmental needs: physical, medical, emotional, educational, social and behavioral;
the child’s traditions, values, religious or spiritual needs;
the mental and behavioral history of the child as potential safety concerns for other children that may have contact with the child;
daily routine; and
the permanency goal for the child.
The race, color or national origin of the child may be considered in the living arrangement decision only when the individualized assessment of the child's needs requires such consideration. The parents’ preference regarding race, color or national origin shall not be considered. This reflects the legal requirements of the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act and Interethnic Placement Act.
Consult with the DCS CHP System of Care Team when the child has chronic behavioral health needs.
Refer all children in out-of-home care to the Integrated Rapid Response Assessment for a health assessment within 24 hours of removal. See Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Services for Children and Young Adults and Title XIX Covered Services (DCS-1287A).
Discuss the assessment of the child's needs with the DCS Program Supervisor and other service team members, as applicable.
Document the child’s medical and educational needs in the Health Plan and Education Plan in the Person Record.
Document any special needs in the Service Request under the Special Needs/Education tab.
Once the child is in out-of-home care, all medical and dental information will be transmitted from DCS CHP into the Person Record.
Document health requests in Notes.

The Interethnic Adoption Provisions of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-188)
The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-89)
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 (P.L. 104-191)
ARS §8-509 Licensing of foster homes; renewal of license; provisional license; exemption from licensure; immunization requirements
ARS §8-513 Participation in activities; contact with relatives; placement with siblings
ARS §8-514 Placement in foster homes
ARS §8-514.03 Kinship foster care; requirements; investigation; report
ARS §8-514.05 Foster care provider access to child health information; consent to treatment
ARS §8-813 Preplacement investigation; medical examination; disposition